Meet MiMi

Hey everyone! I’m Mariah aka MiMi, and I am the owner and ONLY baker here at MiMi’s Treats. I started MiMi’s Treats 8 years ago after I decided to turn my hobby into a business & it was the best decision I ever made in my life. Baking is my favorite pastime and I love the creative freedom it allows me. I love even more that I get to share that with my customers and create literally anything they want for any occasion.

A little about me? Well, I was born in Georgetown Guyana, grew up in Trinidad & Tobago and moved to the United States a few years ago. I moved to Syracuse in 2021 and moved my business here with me never dreaming I’d be where I am right now. I’ve met the most amazing people here & my business has grown so much in the past year because of the amazing support of you all! I’m so excited to see where my business continues to go and I hope you’ll come along on this journey with me.